Dr. Georg A. Wittuhn LL.M. (McGill)

Attorney-at-Law | Partner | Specialist Lawyer for Commercial and Corporate Law

Georg A. Wittuhn’s main areas of practice are corporate law, commercial law, mergers & acquisitions, estate planning, in particular foundation law and private international law. He is completely fluent in English and French. Georg A. Wittuhn: “I don’t want to force through short-term interests, but to build long-term structures.” He is one of HUTH DIETRICH HAHN’s lawyers with experience of litigation and has written about his experience in numerous publications on corporate and litigation law.

A native of Hamburg, he studied at the Universities of Hamburg, Geneva, Cambridge and McGill in Montreal. He is a member of the Expert Committee for Commercial and Corporate Law at the Hanseatic Bar Association in Hamburg.

  • Fachausschuss für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht bei der Hanseatischen Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
  • Das Internationale Privatrecht des Trusts, Frankfurt 1987;
  • Pre-Trial Discovery in Canada, Frankfurt 1989;
  • Patronatserklärungen im Anglo-Amerikanischen Rechtskreis, RIW 1990, 495;
  • Kleinwort Benson Ltd. v. Malaysian Mining Corporation, McGill Law Journal 35 (1990) 505;
  • Herausdrängen von Minderheitsaktionären einer Aktiengesellschaft – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten beim Squeeze Out, MDR 2003, 372;
  • Trusts, Erbrecht und Eigentum, ZEV 2007, 419;
  • Herabsetzung von Vorstandsvergütungen in der Krise, ZGR 2009, 847;
  • Unternehmenskaufverträge und das Recht der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, NZG 2014, 131;
  • International Liability of Corporate Directors (Chapter Germany), London, 2011, updated 2020;
  • International Civil Procedure (Chapter Germany), London, 2011, updated 2019.
  • Ballnacht in Babelsberg, Hamburg 2019